About Rokeby Rokeby was the original name of the settlement on the mainland prior to the merger with the neighbouring three islands of Bobcaygeon. Mission Statement: To provide a retail and educational outlet in Bobcaygeon for the purpose of providing a legal alternative for recreational cannabis products at competitive pricing. Community Service: Two and a half percent (2 ½%) of sales revenues would be provided for Meals on Wheels; food Bank; Womens shelter; Youth summer programs.Rokeby expects that 60% of its slower winter season will be carried by seniors with discounted sales pre dominantly in oils, edibles and vapes. The summer tourist season will see sales augmented from Tourists with basic recreational purchases. Opportunities: Public trust will be built with customer service, product quality and sales knowledge : Over a longer term the location should attract regular traffic that would sustain a full product line throughout the whole year , Recognition as a community advocate for seniors and other stuff , Grow market share within limits of space and staff comfort , Provide profit margins compatible with the return on original equity ,Development of an enterprise for sustainable full time employment of at least 5 full time employees. , Introduction of opportunity for college trained retail specialists through part time employees
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